Memorial Day Hiatus
Just a quick note that I’ll be out of touch through Monday, attending a gaming mini-con put on by my good friend Bob down in Maryland. I’ll have plenty to post after, I’m sure. Have a great holiday weekend.
Just a quick note that I’ll be out of touch through Monday, attending a gaming mini-con put on by my good friend Bob down in Maryland. I’ll have plenty to post after, I’m sure. Have a great holiday weekend.
One of the things I like so much about the earlier material published for the World of Greyhawk is that so much was left to the DM. That will sound like a contradiction to those who are more used to Read More
I had the opportunity today to see the latest installment of the Chronicles of Narnia, “Prince Caspian”. I wasn’t too thrilled with the first film, “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”, so I approached this with the dubious enthusiasm Read More
As promised, here is the first installment of my Greyhawk Lore project. It’s almost 100 pages long and updates will be forthcoming as I comb more of the various websites for material. Essentially, I’m trying to systematically go through all Read More
For a while now I’ve been working on my own version of the most famous dungeon in the world; Castle Greyhawk. I’ve got a bunch of levels mapped out, and some are partially keyed. I’m trying to make my version Read More