Not to throw in a political or religious post, but when I saw this I just had to share. Turns out this girl was part of an anti-Westboro Baptist Church protest. They’re the same folks who wave the “God hates fags” signs at soldiers’ funerals and other lunacy.
If you can’t bury them alive with scorpions in their mouths, mockery is, I suppose, the next best response.
Phelps is a total douche bag. I think he only has like 20 followers, and they’re all related and married.
That picture is classic in my book.
I love it! Can’t stand Phelp and all his crap…
Nice sign, although the next best thing for Westboro would be a few
.357 rounds in each of their foreheads – all of it shown live on TV. Ya, I'm a Right-Wing Nationalist, & I'm not afraid to admit it 🙂
I'm about tired of Phelps, his followers, his god, & their s**t…
This is beautiful.
Dunno which is more beautiful. The sign or the chick holding it.