Wizards of the Coast Acknowledges 4E is Aimed at Min-Maxing Twinks
Okay, for all you out there who think “edition wars” are a waste of time, and that we should all live in harmony with one another, and “it’s all the same game, you’re just playing it differently”, and anyone who Read More
Play With Yourself in November!
Or, as it is more mundanely referred to, Solo Tabletop Gaming Appreciation Month. Gods, I’m such a child sometimes. 🙂 Why is November Solo Tabletop Gaming Appreciation Month, you may ask? Beats the hell out of me, but it is Read More
Greyhawk Session 18
Last Friday’s session was another straight-out dungeon crawl, once the party had recovered from the wounds inflicted by the troglodytes in the previous session. Present were Ehrendar Dawngreeter, elf mountebank; Mongo, half-orc fighter and devotee of Pholtus; Liberus Faxen, human Read More
For those who don’t know, Kickstarter is what’s known as a “crowd-funding” website. It allows individuals looking for funding for various projects to get together with interested investors. What usually happens is that the fund-seeker gives several different “levels” of Read More
The Thousand Worlds
One of the standard tropes of 1950’s/60’s science fiction was the Imperial future. That was embodied in Issac Asimov’s Foundation books (as well as many others such as Dune), and was pretty much the standard for many years. In the Read More