Some of the things he says in these videos will piss off a lot of my readers, I’m sure, but rest assured I don’t agree with everything he says (well, I do agree with everything he says about 4th edition). He seems to not realize that most of his objections to Holmes Basic were solved in 1E, doesn’t seem to know that there was a 2E, and mentions 3.x but only in the context of how annoying it was that his own game product couldn’t be translated easily from that to 4E (which he crucifies). He is a big RuneQuest fan, however.
But they’re hilarious (and, in many cases, spot-on) regardless of whether you agree with everything he says, and thus do I present them here. I may not agree with his views on the value of archetypical character classes, but I’ll die to defend his right to be wrong.
Do look up his channel on YouTube and check out his many and varied expositions on various weapons and armor from the perspective of a reconstructionist archaeologist, and you’ll probably find at least some of his other offerings either funny or informative or both.
Showed it to Val and she says she thinks his rants sound a lot like me. I'm not sure that's a good or bad thing…
An eclectic eccentric is about right. I have enjoyed Lloyd ever since I first stumbled across his website about ten years ago when looking for information on Byzantine armour.
I love a good ranter! 🙂
He makes some good points.
lol. I like that guy. I would drink beer with him.
– Ark
Daaaaaaamn. I could have just posted part I and saved myself a year of blogging. I really did end up hating Holmes as a rule set by the time I was done re-examining it. Still love it, though, for reasons having nothing to do with rationality.
Interesting videos, and pretty amusing. I found myself disagreeing with a lot of his ideas, but I can understand where he's coming from. And man, did he nail 4E right! I've got the same complaints about that system.
Glad he found what he liked in Runequest. I'm fine with my illogical mishmash of rules that is D&D because of a lot of the non-realistic things about it. I do wish he'd spent a bit more time talking about what exactly he disliked about AD&D rather than what he did like about Runequest, though.