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The arms of Tamaria: purpure, a barulet argent, with a triangle argent, voided |
Well, since my home campaign is now set in my homebrew setting of Erseta rather than the World of Greyhawk, my long-languished miniatures painting project has now been rechristened the Armies of Erseta. And what better way to try to jump start things than to belt out an entire battlegroup of spearmen?
As long time readers may remember, I’m intending to use the Field of Glory rules to do some large-scale battle gaming, and to that end I purchased two starter armies from Old Glory 15s; a Feudal German army and Feudal French army. Plus a lot of extra doodads and such, and others have been kind enough to donate their unwanted 15mm figures to the “Greyhawk Grognard’s Home for Unwanted 15mm Figures”.
Well, I finally got off my duff and started to paint these bad boys. I don’t hold myself to be a great (or even good) painter by any means, but I’ve got color on them, and a little detail, and they’re on bases just waiting to be flocked (I figure I’ll do that at the very end, as it’s a messy process and better to only have to clean up once or twice rather than each time I finish a base). They’re not perfect, but they’re painted, and that’s better than I’ve done lately. And more to come; I’m going to make an effort to get the whole starter army done in my copious free time (sigh). Elapsed time on this unit: 4 hours, not including priming.
What I’ve got here is a battlegroup of feudal spearmen from my Feudal French army, now pressed into service as spearmen from Tamaria, one of the major nations of my own campaign. They bear the colors of the national arms (which you can see at the top of the post); given the dominant religion of the region, triangles and other images dominated by the number three are as prevalent as crosses and variants thereof are in European iconography and heraldry, hence the prominence of the triangle on Tamaria’s coat of arms. It is representative of Potaras the Father, Motara the Mother, and Koreyos the hermaphroditic daughter-son; the three gods of the High Church of the Holy Tripartite Family.
Nice looking spearmen!
They do, indeed, look very nice indeed! For my part, I've put a lot more red onto the various Pan-Euro Ogre units in my possession.
I'm thinking I need to do a mass-priming session at some point, though it's clear enough that I've got some catching up to do if we ever want to get battles in!
Pish, Northy. You and I both know your FoG army is going to put mine to shame in the painting department, just as your Ogre minis do. I'm just happy to finally get some painted at all.
Erseta it is! Winter is always a good time to paint.
Indeed! I've noticed that, indeed, I grossly overuse the word indeed in my text.
…indeed. 🙁
It's actually with the "happy to finally get some painted at all" that you have me beaten. I've been so wrapped up in other things the motivation to do painting (or blogging, ahem) pretty much evaporated. I very much want to get at least one battlegroup painted up (if not based, doh!) by the year's end, although with the Ogre stuff looking closer to completion it may be hard to peel attention away from them, if I paint at all.
Still, at least I've filled in the last four of my swamps. That'll give us one big swamp (the wobbly one) and four less wobbly, but still annoyingly imperfect ones to lose tanks in.