Fighting Schools of Chevis
I don’t really have any problem with having special powers, actions, moves, etc. in a game. What I object to is when they become just things that a player can buy off a list without any sort of investment, and Read More
I don’t really have any problem with having special powers, actions, moves, etc. in a game. What I object to is when they become just things that a player can buy off a list without any sort of investment, and Read More
Several (real-world) weeks of being cooped up in Ritterheim, making glacial progress towards retrieving the magic lantern that would reactivate the portal to the ruins of the dwarven city of Glitterdark, got the players more than a little antsy. So, Read More
“The Wicker Tree“, the not-a-sequel, not-a-remake of 1973’s exquisite “The Wicker Man” is finally beginning its theatrical run in American theaters one week from today, on January 27. For those who haven’t heard, it was directed by the same man Read More
James Raggi says it better than I ever could. Bastard.
Even better than the barking dogs doing “Jingle Bells”…
Thinking back, the overwhelming majority of campaigns I’ve either played in or DMed have been home-brew campaigns. I love Greyhawk, of course, and have a vast GH collection and (at the risk of being immodest) knowledge, but even then, I’ve Read More