Done by Russell Akred, posted over at the Flanaess Geographical Society on Facebook. I only wish there was a larger version out there (click to embiggen).

Done by Russell Akred, posted over at the Flanaess Geographical Society on Facebook. I only wish there was a larger version out there (click to embiggen).
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Wow, beautiful and ingenious!
Wow, This is amazing and new looks of calender. I would like to buy a wonderful greyhawk calendar.
photo calendar
Once again, to quote King Wowzmandias, wowzier of wowziers: Look on this work, ye Mighty, and be wowed!
This would make a cool inscription in a dungeon or tomb, making the players figure out "when" some great event had/is/will happen!
Greyhawk fans never cease to amaze me. There's been many GH calendars but this one takes them all.