A Little Ambition is a Good Thing
Q: How many Darlene-sized maps would it take to cover the Oerik map from Dragon Annual #1? A: Seventeen
Q: How many Darlene-sized maps would it take to cover the Oerik map from Dragon Annual #1? A: Seventeen
I came into this film from the perspective of someone who has never read any of the Barsoom books. I was vaguely aware that the hero, John Carter, is somehow transported to Mars, and there finds different sorts of martians, Read More
There’s been a lot of talk over at Canonfire! about the lands beyond the Flanaess; the fabled lands of Zindia, The Celestial Imperium of Suhfang, Erypt, the Empire of Lhynn, etc. Issue 26 of the Oerth Journal focused on this Read More
In the comments of my previous post on “advancing the timeline” in Greyhawk, commenter scottz made a very interesting point: “Characters/NPC’s are canon ‘mountpoints’ as much as maps or gazetteers are, IMHO.” I take this to mean that, if one Read More
A perennial complaint of quite a number of Greyhawk fans is the way that the World of Greyhawk setting was altered through products such as Greyhawk Wars and From the Ashes. “Don’t advance the timeline!” is a clarion call for Read More
Two days ago, James Maliszewski started his Kickstarter campaign to raise $10,000 for his Dwimmermount megadungeon to see print. Here we are, only slightly more than 48 hours later, and he has already met that goal, and even got one Read More