So if you downloaded your playtest packet before Tuesday, you might want to do so again, to get all the good Monkified material.
I have to say, 5E keeps looking better and better to me. The more I see, the more I like. I hope they don’t screw it up as they get closer to the real release in 2014.
At the risk of being self-serving, if I might offer this.
I hadn't looked at 5E since the initial test materials came out but after downloading the latest materials on a whim I have to agree. I'm starting to like what I see and I like how I can easily change the style of game by leaving out things like backgrounds or specialties.
I don't like monks. Or, more specifically, I don't like the inclusion of kung-fu style monks in an ostensibly Western mileu(sp?) right in the PHB. Better to have left it for the OA supplements.