Remember last year when the news broke that Games Workshop was attempting to assert a trademark over the term “Space Marines”, and had some ebook on Amazon taken down because it used the phrase in the title?
UPDATES (ongoing):
Now Popehat has put out a call for folks to write GW concerning the issue. I doubt that will generate many emails sympathetic to GW’s position…
…and a mention on…
…and I’m sure Games Workshop would love to hear from you on this subject on Twitter. #BoycottGW
…and now it’s been SlashDotted…
…and Wil Wheaton has sent his flying monkeys as well…
…and now The Most Interesting Man in the World has chimed in…

…and ICv2…
…and The Guardian…
…and Kotaku…
…and Corante…
…and Game Dynamo…
…and The Mary Sue…
…and a whoooole lot of other places, too.
If you want to buy the book in paperback, because Amazon is being a spineless weasel and has taken down the Kindle edition, you can do so –> HERE <–
UPDATE: Space Marine Victory!
Well, so much for a Kick starter of the old Space Martinez miniatures rules by Mark Rather…
Or "Space Marines", even.
Stupid autocorrect.
I'm not making fun of you, but Space Martinez was hilarious! Made my day, I laughed out loud!
Wonder if GW knows about Heinlein and the other folks that actually created the idea in the first place. That burns me up. How can they even try for such a thing, it's such a generic term, 'space marine'.
Star Blazers had space marines on TV in the U.S. in 1980:
"We're off to outer space…"