Review: Vecna Hand of the Revenant
Apologies for the delay in writing up this review, as I got the book back in May and only now got around to reading it. I have to say this thing was well worth the wait, and its extreme rarity Read More
Apologies for the delay in writing up this review, as I got the book back in May and only now got around to reading it. I have to say this thing was well worth the wait, and its extreme rarity Read More
Hey hey! Yet another late Kickstarter comes in for a landing. All right! Red Dragon Inn is one of my favorite current beer-and-pretzels games. You can play in an hour, and it’s a load of fun. Now we have the Read More
So here is a quick sample page that is representative of the level of detail I’m considering for the Lost Eria™ Gazetteer. This example just happens to be about a full page in length; some will be longer, and some Read More
There’s a new free pdf ‘zine available that focuses on play-by-mail games. PBM games were big in the 1980’s and 90’s, and I was heavily involved in them myself, both as a player and a moderator. Suspense & Decision magazine Read More