1st Edition Paladin Spells (Part 1)

One of the things I like about 5th Edition is the notion of special spell lists for paladins and rangers. (I have no idea if this was also a thing in 3rd or 4th edition, since I never got into either.) I think this is precisely the sort of thing that could translate into 1st edition very well.

So, that being said, here’s my take on translating some of the 5th edition spells into 1st edition format.

These would be in addition to the normal clerical spells to which paladins have access.

First Level

Compelled Duel (enchantment/charm)

Level: 1
Components: V
Range: 3″
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell will compel a single creature to fight the caster. On a failed saving throw, the target creature must remain within 30 feet of you and has a -4 penalty “to hit” when attempting to strike any creature except you. Once affected by the spell, the creature can attempt to make another saving throw which would allow it to move more than 30′ from you for that round only. The penalty to hit remains in effect. The target creature is aware of the compulsion to attack you.

The spell ends when you attack any creature other than the target (either with a weapon, magic item, or spell), when a creature friendly to you damages the target (again either by weapon, magic item, or spell), or you move so that you end the round more than 30′ from the target.

Divine Favor (evocation)

Level: 1
Components: V, S
Range: Self
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One weapon
Saving Throw: None

This spell will imbue any single weapon held in your hand with divine energy in the round following the casting of the spell. A weapon so empowered will do an additional 1d4 h.p. of damage when it hits. The effect remains until the spell duration expires.

Searing Smite (evocation)

Level: 1
Components: V
Range: Self
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: One weapon
Saving Throw: None

This spell will turn any weapon you hold white-hot when it strikes (you are not harmed by this) in the following round. This will inflict an additional 1d6 h.p. of fire damage, and the target will become engulfed in white flames. These flames will inflict an additional 1d6 h.p. of fire damage per round until they are extinguished, or 1 turn has passed, whichever comes first. The flames can be extinguished by the target making a successful saving throw vs. spells, by some other creature using the round to extinguish the flames (smothering them with a cloak, etc.), or if the target is in an environment where fire is impossible (underwater, in a vacuum, etc.).

Shield of Faith (abjuration)

Level: 1
Components: V, S, M
Range: 6″
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

This spell causes an invisible shield to protect one creature of your choice. For the duration of the spell, the selected creature will have a +2 bonus to its armor class. The spell requires a bit of parchment with a prayer or holy text written upon it, which can be re-used.

Thunderous Smite (evocation)

Level: 1
Components: V
Range: Self
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 weapon
Saving Throw: None

This spell will create a special field in any single weapon you hold. The next time the weapon hits an enemy before the end of the spell, it will ring with a thunderous clap, inflicting an additional 2d6 h.p. of damage. In addition, unless it is able to make a saving throw vs. spells, it will be pushed back 10 feet and knocked prone, requiring a round to get up. The sound of thunder can be heard up to 300 feet away. If the weapon does not hit, the spell effect wears off at the end of the spell’s effect.

Wrathful Smite (evocation)

Level: 1
Components: V
Range: Self
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 weapon
Saving Throw: None

This spell imbues a single weapon you hold with a powerful magical aura. The first time the weapon hits an enemy during the duration of the spell, it will inflict an additional 1d6 h.p. of damage. In addition, the creature struck must make a saving throw vs. spells. Failure means they are struck as if they had a fear spell cast upon them for 1d6 rounds.

Second Level

Branding Smite (evocation)

Level: 2
Components: V
Range: Self
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 weapon
Saving Throw: None

This spell imbues a single weapon you hold with a powerful magical aura. The first time the weapon hits during the duration of the spell, it will inflict an additional 2d6 h.p. of damage. In addition, the target will glow as if a faerie fire spell had been cast on it for one round after the hit. If you do not hit a target before it expires, the spell is lost.

Zone of Truth (enchantment/charm)

Level: 2
Components: V, S
Range: 6″
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 10 minutes
Area of Effect: 15′ radius
Saving Throw: neg.

This spell creates a zone within which no untruth can be spoken. If any creature enters the spell’s radius, or is within that radius when the spell is cast, it must make a saving throw vs. spells. Failure indicates it cannot tell any falsehood. You will know whether any given creature is under the effect of the spell when you hear them speak, but creatures affected by the spell will also be aware of their condition, and could very well choose silence or evasiveness.


Edit: Thanks to James Mishler for input on the spell effects, which have been updated to reflect his feedback.

Written by 

Wargamer and RPG'er since the 1970's, author of Adventures Dark and Deep, Castle of the Mad Archmage, and other things, and proprietor of the Greyhawk Grognard blog.

3 thoughts on “1st Edition Paladin Spells (Part 1)

  1. Joe—

    I find it hard for a LG archetypal paladin to cast "Compelled Duel" but it would fit well for a variant evil paladin, or a paladin of a war god, perhaps.

    If you're looking for additional feedback, most 1e cleric spells are slower to cast than equivalent-level MU spells. I'd consider bumping the casting times, or adding some conditions similar in nature to Bless (which can't be cast once you've entered combat—it must be cast before battle is joined).

    I'd also bump the levels of the spells up higher if they're being made available to clerics; if only available to paladins, I'd still consider bumping some anyway.


  2. Going to disagree with you on all points, Allan.

    I can absolutely see Compelled Duel being a LG paladin spell – he's calling out the villain, compelling him to one-on-one combat. That's a standard trope of the Arthurian/ "knights in shining armor" genre. Fits perfectly as far as I can tell.

    Bear in mind these aren't cleric spells. They're paladin-specific spells. The fact that they're mostly intended for use in combat I think fits well.

    Ditto for levels. I don't see these being opened to clerics.

    Of course, YMMV, and I'm sure everyone can have a different take on this sort of thing. But here's mine. Enjoy!

  3. I suppose it's Compelled Duel's aspect of coercing the victim to fight that rubs me the wrong way—removing the victim's freewill seems quite different to me than calling them out with a righteous challenge.

    I agree that class-specific spells for paladins and ranger is a cool idea. I was baselining them against similar 1st level spells for clerics and MUs, but if the paladins and rangers don't begin to receive these spells until 8th-9th level, they can afford to be a bit better than standard 1st level spells. I see your point there.

    An interesting idea that's worth exploring further.

    Thanks for sharing!


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