There’s a new video up on my YouTube channel, in which I finish up my read-through of the Glossography by going through the deities, with a focus on the way clerics can be specialized with new spells, weapons, and other abilities.

There’s a new video up on my YouTube channel, in which I finish up my read-through of the Glossography by going through the deities, with a focus on the way clerics can be specialized with new spells, weapons, and other abilities.
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Hello, Grognard. I enjoy your videos so I subscribed to your YouTube channel. I was introduced to D&D in 8th grade back in oh, 1984? Something like that. 🙂 Not to give away my increasingly advanced age, ha ha. I love old-school Gary Gygax WoG as my #1 go-to game world for fantasy role playing, and started playing D&D again about six months ago after getting sucked into the equally fun Steve Jackson Games “G.U.R.P.S.” game system for 20+ years. Videos like yours, that answer questions about the original “roots” of Gary’s game world (I also recommend The Grey League’s blog and YouTube videos), are really useful. Thanks!