Making the Journey Meaningful
I’ve got a new video up on the channel. In it, I discuss how traveling from one encounter to another, whether it be in a dungeon or in the wilderness, can be half the fun of the game.
A blog about the World of Greyhawk, tabletop RPGs, wargames, and pop culture
I’ve got a new video up on the channel. In it, I discuss how traveling from one encounter to another, whether it be in a dungeon or in the wilderness, can be half the fun of the game.
Hello everyone! Two years ago (ye gods, has it been two years already?) I posted a series of “Dragonne Magazine” articles detailing the Baklunish lands, covering the Baklunish pantheon, monsters, and other things including a map and expansion of the Read More
With the news that Chris Pine will be starring in the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons movie from Paramount (coming in May 2022), folks have started to comment on the viability of D&D films in general. One specific criticism I’ve seen Read More
New video is up! A patron asked, how would I take Greyhawk forward, without the burden of canon? I have thoughts.
At long last, my follow-up adventure to D3 Vault of the Drow is here. D4 City of Spiders is an urban adventure set in Erelhei-Cinlu that is designed to give the PCs the information they need to take on the Read More
A few weeks ago, I posted a video first look at Heroes’ Feast, the D&D cookbook. I really like the book, and thought it might be worthwhile to collect the various bits of Greyhawk lore that are scattered throughout. Some Read More