Thoughts on Canon, Part I
The issue of “canon” in Greyhawk circles is one that comes up often enough, and it’s an issue that I’ve given a great deal of thought to over the last decade or so. It’s important to me not because it Read More
A blog about the World of Greyhawk, tabletop RPGs, wargames, and pop culture
The issue of “canon” in Greyhawk circles is one that comes up often enough, and it’s an issue that I’ve given a great deal of thought to over the last decade or so. It’s important to me not because it Read More
Ylfe-shot (Evocation) Level: 1 Components: V, S, M Range: 15” Casting Time: 5 segments Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Neg. Area of Effect: One creature Explanation/Description: The ylfe-shot (pronounced “ilf-shot”) is one of the few direct attack spells possessed by the Read More
It occurs to me that I haven’t yet posted about the game I’m currently running. Now, I don’t want to inflict a tedious game journal on you, but rather I’d like to use the opportunity to discuss a little theory Read More
I’ve been looking forward to this movie for 15 years, and it is entirely possible that my expectations were completely unrealistic (much as the expectations for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace were completely beyond the ability of anyone to match). Read More
Just a quick note that I’ll be out of touch through Monday, attending a gaming mini-con put on by my good friend Bob down in Maryland. I’ll have plenty to post after, I’m sure. Have a great holiday weekend.
One of the things I like so much about the earlier material published for the World of Greyhawk is that so much was left to the DM. That will sound like a contradiction to those who are more used to Read More