Has it Been Ten Years Already?
It’s hard to believe that this blog has been going for ten years, but such is how time flies. The first Iron Man film was in theaters, George W. Bush was still in the White House, and no songs I Read More
A blog about the World of Greyhawk, tabletop RPGs, wargames, and pop culture
It’s hard to believe that this blog has been going for ten years, but such is how time flies. The first Iron Man film was in theaters, George W. Bush was still in the White House, and no songs I Read More
What a trip down memory lane. I had many of the games shown in this film. I especially love the use of stop-motion animation to show the counters moving on the map.
Urban adventures have always been my bête noire. Published urban settings are almost entirely ginormous books describing encounters on maps, with endless descriptions of shops, guard towers, mages’ guild halls, and sewers. You have to read the whole thing front to Read More
Ah the Sears catalog. Many a November was spent combing you for items for the letter to Santa. This particular one was a bit after my Santa-writing days, but it’s still a great reminder of days gone by.
Tl;dr: This is the best MCU movie ever. See it. Now. The hype for the new Avengers: Infinity War has been enormous lately, and with good reason. This is a film that easily takes the crown from the first Avengers Read More
Another month, another installment of my attempt to finish off the wonderful “Greyhawk’s World” series of articles by Gygax and Kuntz way back in the early 1980’s. This time out, I’m covering the central Flanaess; Dyvers, Greyhawk, the Wild Coast, Read More