The ADD of ADD
Some of my fellow bloggers tend to speak of “Gamer ADD”, referring to the practice of having a number of different projects in the hopper and tending to jump from one to another with both abandon and rapidity. I’m no Read More
Some of my fellow bloggers tend to speak of “Gamer ADD”, referring to the practice of having a number of different projects in the hopper and tending to jump from one to another with both abandon and rapidity. I’m no Read More
Please forgive the craptacular photo taken by my phone; the wife is off vacationing with our daughter while I’m stuck at work (ah, the carefree leisure-filled life of a public school teacher!) and took the good camera with her. And Read More
Is there really such a big difference between a hundred gnolls armed with spears and a hundred French spearmen? I’ve been really enthused about the Field of Glory rules from Osprey Publishing since I bought them, and I am thinking, Read More