Irons in the Fire
So, I know my product schedule is somewhat… mercurial. I work on something, and it just doesn’t gel, and then I get a burst of inspiration and push the thing over the finish line in short order. Sometimes things just Read More
So, I know my product schedule is somewhat… mercurial. I work on something, and it just doesn’t gel, and then I get a burst of inspiration and push the thing over the finish line in short order. Sometimes things just Read More
The massive shipyards of Astor and New Austin, the premier industrial worlds of the Athena Sector, have been turning out spacecraft of all types and descriptions for centuries, many of which find their way to every corner of civilized space Read More
Deep in the heart of the Black Swan Nebula, mostly cut off from the rest of the civilized galaxy, lies the Cygnus Sector. Underpopulated, rich in resources, and wracked by conflict and religious strife, it is a magnet for the Read More